Friday, July 9, 2010

Assignment 7/6 - Comments

Comments on several Google apps...from Carlos...

a) Google Chart: From data, generate the traditional pie and bar charts, dynamic icons (bubbles, pins, etc.), compound charts, formulas, and dial-type Google-o-meter charts. In math, app might be helpful for students when studying graphs and graphing methods, while in a science lab it might be possible to plot experimental data then analyse and interpret its meaning;

b) Google Alerts: In my science classes, could be an easy way to keep me and my students updated on the latest news on course related topics and queries, such as planetary and lunar science, and emerging green-energy technologies, for example; and

c) Google Squared: An interesting app that quickly organizes in a convenient tabular form from across the web info on a specific category or topic. For example, I tried "squaring" on "hurricanes" and "spiral galaxies", which would be topics of interest in some of my science classes.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think you will be incorporating these in your classes or in preparation for your classes?
